OSXGeoCalc is a Structural Geology calculator. It operates on lines and planes, strains, stresses, and drillcore data. Individual computations can be made using the calculator's interface. Multiple computations can be made using text files. Lines and planes can be visualized in a stereonet and stress and strain operations can be visualized in a Mohr diagram.
OSXGeoCalc was made for geologists, but it can be used by anyone who is interested in planes and lines, strains, stresses, and drillcore data (engineers, geotechnicians, physicists, etc.).
What's new in this version:
More robust and better interface when reading and processing text files
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OSXGeoCalc - 2.1
Gepostet von
Tobias Frischholz
2/17/2007 12:48:00 pm
Labels: Education