GearTrain calculates the angular velocity of the final driven gear in a gear chain. The user enters the revolutions per minute and driection of the first driver gear along with information about the number of teeth of each gear in the series. The program will output the RPM and direction of the final driven gear in the gear train. It was designed as a tool for educators and students wishing to learn or check calculations for a gear chain in a Technology Education or Robotics program.
What's new in this version:
* Added a torque mode via the Mode menu, which will calculate the torque of the final driven.
* Eliminated the restriction of gear teeth less than 5 for situations in which the user is applying the formulas to pulley diameters.
* Added code to restrict letter from being entered into the editfields.
* Addeda shortcut in the File menu that will bring up the angular to linear velocity conversion window without having to work through any gear scenarios.
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GearTrain - 1.0.2
Gepostet von
Tobias Frischholz
2/17/2007 01:00:00 pm
Labels: Education