Seven iCal-focused Automator actions; Find Past iCal Events, Move iCal Events, Get Date Range String from Events, Find Past iCal To Dos, Set iCal To Do Due Dates, Add iCal To Do Alarms, and Move iCal To Dos. These actions can be used alone in your own workflows or combined together to achieve complex tasks as in the case of the included example workflow that archives old iCal events.
* Find Past iCal Events: This action lets you search for past events based on a whole number and a timeframe.
* Move iCal Events: This action moves the specified iCal events to the specified calendar.
* Get Date Range String from Events: This action creates a date range string from the iCal events provided to it.
* Find Past iCal To Dos: This action lets you search for past todos based on a whole number, timeframe, and completion status.
* Set iCal To Do Due Dates: This actions lets you set the Due Date of one or more iCal To Dos to today or some future date.
* Add iCal To Do Alarms: This action lets you add an alarm to one or more iCal To Dos.
* Move iCal To Dos: This action moves the specified iCal to dos to the specified calendar.
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Yellow Camp iCal Actions - 2.1
Gepostet von
Tobias Frischholz
7/12/2007 07:41:00 am
Labels: System