CrossFTP is a multi-tabbed GUI FTP client for reliable file transfers. It uses a familiar, Explorer-like interface so that the novice user can master in minutes. Please start the downloaded item by Java Web Start (javaws). Some main features are:
1. Multiple tabs.
2. Archive browse, extraction, and compression.
3. CrossFTP Server launcher.
4. International encoding support.
5. Image Viewer.
6. Recursive File transportations.
7. File Filtering;
8. Auto-reconn and anti-idle,
and bit more...
The Pro version is available by a license fee, which further features: 1. multi-thread file transfers; 2. secure file transportation (SSL/TLS); 3. FXP (Site to Site) file transportation; 4. download and upload speed limit control; 5. search for FTP files; 6. manage the site's maximum concurrent connections; 7. search in archives; 8. scheduling; and bit more...
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CrossFTP - 1.36
Gepostet von
Tobias Frischholz
6/07/2007 09:44:00 am
Labels: Internet