

iGTD -

You are a busy person, aren't you? And there's an easy way to track all things that have to be done... and to get those things done! iGTD takes some concepts from Getting Things Done methodology and makes them easy to understand and use in your every day life. Just divide your tasks by contexts - where they have to be done? At home? At your office? At laptop? At any time you can access the Internet?
What's new in this version:

* F-key trick works for Safari, Firefox and Opera (selection is copied only by Safari)
* you can mark all contexts or projects and copy their names with Cmd+C
* tag auto-completing in smart folder properties
* some new icons for contexts
* F-key trick does not start Safari when using the trick in Finder
* F1-F8 keys work now for F-key trick
* F-trick create its temporary files in temporary files folder, not on the Desktop
* marking a task as completed by clicking the column preserves the table selection
* smart folder name is updated correctly when editing it in smart folder properties
* iGTD window is bringed to front correctly when adding a task to a context via menu bar menu
* iGTD are saved every time a task is added via Quicksilver
* exclamation and question marks are removed from task names given in Quicksilver queries
* syncing: task completed status is updated correctly when syncing tasks which were created on mobile phone
* process/review can be started without any task selected in the list

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