Do you fall sleep with music from iTunes? And want to shut down your Mac after the music has finished automatically? With this little app it is possible, without to schedule a time in the System Preferences. The app receives a notification from iTunes, about the player state. If it is "stopped", then an AppleScript will be started and shuts down, restarts, pauses/quits iTunes or sleeps the Computer. If you want to repeat one song for 10 times and after pause iTunes for example, then type in iTunesShut the number 10 and after 10 repeats iTunes will be paused. It is also possible to give a time after iTunesShut will perform the selected action. With the volume slider you can set the desired volume, which iTunes should have at the end. iTunesShut will fade out the volume until iTunes's volume slider is at the same position as iTunesShut's. If you like, that iTunesShut doesn't quit after it has done its job, then you can go under the Menu and choose "Don't quit automatically". The default is to not quit automatically. This app has an English and a German localization!
What's new in this version:
The new version of iTunesShut adds an auto-cue and auto-pause functionality to iTunes. This is a feature found in professional audio players used by live sound technicians, theatre sound effects operators, DJ's, musicians, presenters, live radio and more.
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iTunesShut - 4.5
Gepostet von
Tobias Frischholz
3/05/2007 07:41:00 am
Labels: Audio