UnicodeChecker displays detailed information for every code point from the Unicode Standard. The information includes Unicode name, UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 encodings, XHTML entities, mapping info and a lot more.
You can browse characters by code point or find them by their Unicode name.
Several string conversion functions (IDN, XHTML, CSS, Java, etc.) are available from within UnicodeChecker, via the MacOS X "Services" menu and/or via AppleScript
What's new in this version:
* Includes a new “Diff” Utility for viewing differences between two strings.
* The “Find Character” panel now allows to explicitly exclude strings from matching by prefixing them with “-”.
* Information from the Unicode data file HangulSyllableType is included in the “Misc” tab.
* The “Unihan Tag Filter” is now saved between UnicodeChecker starts.
* Cosmetic changes to the Utilities window:
o Toolbar items stay highlighted.
o Cycling through controls using the Tab key has been improved.
* Checking for UnicodeChecker updates is now done using Sparkle by Andy Matuschak. You can choose to automatically check for updates at each startup of UnicodeChecker in the Preferences dialog.
* Under some circumstances Unicode data files could not be read correctly. This resulted in a warning that a file could not be found although the file existed. This has been fixed.
* Fixed a bug where opening the AppleScript dictionary from Script Editor would crash UnicodeChecker on systems prior to Mac OS X 10.4.
* Fixed a bug where UnicodeChecker would crash on systems prior to Mac OS X 10.4 when the starting codepoint was set to U+0000.
Download UnicodeChecker Now (File Size: 1.8M)
UnicodeChecker - 1.12
Gepostet von
Tobias Frischholz
2/20/2007 09:55:00 am
Labels: Utilities