PDFView is a lightweight Mac OS X application to display PDF files.
What does it offers more than Preview?
* By default, the main window will open up maximized, and the zoom level will be automatically the highest possible to fit the document into your screen - so that documents will become finally readable. Especially valuable if you are using a small size screen.
* PDFView supports a powerful full screen mode, and a innovative "presentation" mode, in which nothing is displayed but your document, not even scroll bars. This mode is designed with Beamer user in mind, but not restricted to them. Apple Remote support is also planned, in the future.
* PDFView offers powerful integration with LaTeX:
o it recognizes when the file is updated on disk and offers to reload it;
o if you are using the PDFSync LaTeX package, you can switch back and forth between the document and the text editor; just Command-click on a point in the PDF to be taken to the corresponding LaTeX line in your editor (customizable in the preferences);
o again, if you are using PDFSync, you can set up your editor to jump you to the appropriate page in the PDF (please refer to this page for instructions about it).
* PDFView has a very nice magnification tool: just drag around the document to use it.
* PDFView supports a useful miniature display.
Among other features:
* PDFView lets you view your PDF the way you want: you can rotate pages, choose to display one or two pages at the same time, let it choose the best zoom level or fine-tune it.
* PDFView can be configured to reload, at startup, the document you had open when you closed it, and for each of them it remembers all the display settings you changed, and the page you were viewing.
What's new in this version:
Bug fixes
* Fixed a crash, that occurred randomly when the document was updated.
* Restored search.
* Slightly updated German translation.
* Warning: the outline status is unpredictable, after an update: it may work, it may not work, it may crash, it may be out-of-date. I'm gonna work on it for the next release.
Known bugs: This is a short list of already known bugs, on which I will start working as soon as my exams will finish. Thanks to all the people who signaled them, and please avoid reporting them again.
* PDFView keeps the file locked, even when the document is closed.
* The resizing behaviour, when toggling the drawer, will be updated in a later release.
* Support for LaTeX projects with more than one input files will be added.
* Requirement for PDFSync will be scrapped, and PDFView will move to the more modern system used by TeXShop.
* Some kind of marking will be added, when opening a specific file in a PDF from a latex source.
Download PDFView Now (File Size: 1.9M)
PDFView - 0.14.3
Gepostet von
Tobias Frischholz
2/24/2007 11:25:00 pm
Labels: Utilities