Google Calendar on your Dashboard! Keep an eye on today's events on your desktop. With this dashboard widget, you don't need to logon to Google Calendar in a dedicated browser window. Clicking on an event takes you directly to the event in Google Calendar, ready for you to edit.
What's new in this version:
* There were some problems handling time-zones in version 1.0 for some users. These issues have been (hopefully!) fixed in version 2.0
* A highly-requested feature was to be able to look-ahead several days into the future, not just today and tomorrow's events. Version 2.0 lets you preview up to one week ahead of today.
* The top part of the widget now features a button that takes you to Google Calendar in a browser. Trivial, yet highly useful, feature.
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Download Google Calendar Dashboard Widget Now (File Size: 104k)
Google Calendar Dashboard Widget - 2.0
Gepostet von
Tobias Frischholz
2/16/2007 02:32:00 pm
Labels: Widgets